Welcome to Harmoniously Where Healing Begins

At Harmoniously, we understand because we've been there. Our journey through the challenges of mental health has led us to a breakthrough that we now share with you—ketamine therapy, a beacon of hope for enduring wellness.

Welcome to Harmoniously

Where Healing Begins

At Harmoniously, we understand because we've been there. Our journey through the challenges of mental health has led us to a breakthrough that we now share with you—ketamine therapy, a beacon of hope for enduring wellness.

What We Offer

Experience personalized medicine that treats the mind, body, and spirit.

Dive into the heart of our offerings—ketamine therapy—enriched by scientific discovery and clinical excellence. This innovative treatment stands as a testament to our commitment to offer rapid relief and a renewed sense of hope for those facing the toughest mental health battles.

Psychiatric clinician appointments

At-Home Ketamine Treatments

20-min Coaching or Therapy Visits

Mindfulness Meditation Circles

Psychedelic Integration Circles

Customizable Wellness Meal Plan

Mission Statement

Empowering Your Path to Mental Wellness

Our mission is to offer hope and transformative healing to those battling depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges, through innovative ketamine therapy integrated with holistic wellness practices.

Patient Experience

A Journey of Transformation

Lucy's testimonial image

Meet Lucy

“I recently completed a ketamine treatment series at Harmoniously, which has been transformative for my long-standing anxiety and depression. Previous therapies and medications had little effect, but from the first session of ketamine treatment, I noticed a significant mood enhancement and reduction in anxiety, with depression lifting swiftly.

The supportive staff, particularly Rachel and Sean, ensured a comfortable and well-informed experience. As the treatment progressed, my mental clarity improved remarkably, enhancing my engagement with work and relationships, and restoring my control over life. I am immensely grateful to Harmoniously for this life-changing experience and highly recommend it to anyone facing similar challenges.”

Sean Carr testimonial image

Meet Sean Carr

“Ketamine therapy has been a game-changer for me. After a surgery left me traumatized and hospitalized, it helped me reclaim my life within six weeks. Living with drug-resistant depression and anxiety, ketamine therapy not only reduced my need for daily medications but also synergized with my longevity regimen, offering profound neuroplastic and neuroprotective effects. It’s not just a treatment—it’s a lifeline to hope, healing, and resilience.”

Kerri testimonial image

Meet Kerri

“Working with Harmoniously has been truly transformative. It’s like having a personal caretaker for your mind. Battling anxiety has been my ongoing challenge, but through the combination of ketamine treatment and psychosynthesis coaching with Melissa, I’ve begun to unravel and heal the root causes of my anxiety. Now, I feel like I have my life back!”


Harmoniously Essential Wellness Package

Monthly Program

  • 1 - New Patient Psychiatric Telehealth Intake Visit

  • 1 - Returning Patient Medical Telehealth Visit

  • 2 - Health & Wellness Coaching Sessions

  • 6 At-Home Ketamine Treatments

  • Mindfulness Meditation Circles

$599 /month

Innovation and Science

The Science of Hope

Rooted in cutting-edge research, ketamine therapy's power to enhance brain plasticity and foster healing is a revolution in mental health care. Our approach is informed by the latest scientific insights, ensuring that your path to recovery is guided by knowledge and a deep understanding of the brain's potential for renewal.

Comprehensive Care Approach

Beyond Therapy: A Holistic Promise

Our care extends beyond the therapy session. Integrating personalized coaching, nutritional guidance, and mindfulness practices, we address mental health from all angles. Inspired by our own healing journeys, we've crafted a holistic care model that nurtures mind, body, and spirit.

It’s time to take back control of your life & begin to feel happy again

Are you ready to explore a new horizon in mental health care? Contact us to discover how ketamine therapy can illuminate your path to wellness. Your journey of transformation starts here.

It’s time to take back control of your life & begin to feel happy again

Are you ready to explore a new horizon in mental health care? Contact us to discover how ketamine therapy can illuminate your path to wellness. Your journey of transformation starts here.


Our Latest Blog

Integrating Psychedelic and Longevity Medicines

The Future of Wellness: Integrating Psychedelic and Longevity Medicines

February 29, 20244 min read

In the ever-evolving landscape of medical science, Harmoniously.com's revolutionary approach to wellness is making waves, promising a future where holistic health is not just a concept but a lived reality. This innovative approach combines the transformative potential of psychedelic medicines, like Ketamine, known for their ability to enhance neuron connections, with anti-aging and longevity treatments designed to protect and optimize brain and physical health. At the heart of this movement is a fully integrated, holistic medical practice, personalized for each patient, promising a synergistic path to wellness that is as comprehensive as it is groundbreaking.

The Rise of Psychedelic Medicines

Psychedelic medicines, once relegated to the fringes of medical research, are now at the forefront of innovative treatments for a range of mental health disorders. Compounds like Ketamine are showing remarkable potential in treating depression, PTSD, and other mental health issues by fostering new neural connections and promoting neuroplasticity. This ability to "reset" parts of the brain associated with negative patterns and behaviors marks a significant departure from traditional psychiatric medications, offering hope to millions who have not found relief through conventional treatments.

The Power of Anti-Aging and Longevity Medicines

Parallel to the rise of psychedelic medicines is the growing field of anti-aging and longevity science. Researchers are making strides in understanding how to protect brain health, improve physical wellness, and enhance hormone levels, aiming to extend both lifespan and healthspan. These treatments focus on mitigating the decline associated with aging, targeting everything from cellular repair mechanisms to inflammation reduction, with the goal of preserving vitality and functional capacity throughout one's life.

A Fully Integrated, Holistic Approach

The true innovation lies in the integration of these two domains—psychedelic medicine and anti-aging treatments—into a holistic practice that addresses the patient as a whole. This approach is not merely about treating symptoms or delaying the aging process but about fostering an environment where mental, physical, and emotional health are in harmony. Personalization is key; recognizing that each individual's path to wellness is unique, treatments are tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of each patient.

Personalized Treatments for Enhanced Well-Being

In this model, a patient might begin their journey with a comprehensive assessment covering a wide range of factors, from genetic predispositions and lifestyle habits to emotional well-being and cognitive function. Based on this assessment, a personalized treatment plan is developed, which could include Ketamine therapy sessions to address mental health challenges, coupled with a regimen of anti-aging therapies designed to support brain health, hormonal balance, and physical vitality.

Nutritional guidance, exercise recommendations, and stress management techniques are also integral to the plan, embodying the holistic ethos by ensuring that lifestyle factors contribute positively to the patient's overall well-being. This comprehensive approach not only seeks to heal but also to enhance, empowering patients to achieve a state of health that is reflective of optimal functioning at all levels.

Evidence-Based and Future-Focused

The integration of psychedelic and anti-aging medicines within a holistic framework is supported by a growing body of evidence. Studies on Ketamine, for instance, demonstrate its rapid antidepressant effects, while research in the realm of anti-aging is unveiling ways to effectively counteract the biological processes that contribute to aging. By grounding these treatments in scientific research and clinical evidence, practitioners can offer their patients cutting-edge solutions that promise not just longer lives, but better ones.

The Path Forward

As we look to the future, the integration of psychedelic medicines with anti-aging and longevity treatments within a holistic, personalized medical practice represents a bold reimagining of healthcare. It is a vision of medicine that values the interconnectedness of mental, physical, and emotional health, and seeks to empower individuals to lead lives characterized by vitality, resilience, and a profound sense of wellness.

In a world where the quest for health is often fragmented and siloed, this approach offers a cohesive, integrated path forward. It is a testament to the incredible potential of combining cutting-edge medical treatments with a holistic understanding of the human condition. As research continues to unfold and these practices become more widespread, we may well be on the cusp of a new era in health and wellness, one where the full spectrum of human health is addressed with the depth, nuance, and care it deserves.

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Integrating Psychedelic and Longevity Medicines

The Future of Wellness: Integrating Psychedelic and Longevity Medicines

February 29, 20244 min read

In the ever-evolving landscape of medical science, Harmoniously.com's revolutionary approach to wellness is making waves, promising a future where holistic health is not just a concept but a lived reality. This innovative approach combines the transformative potential of psychedelic medicines, like Ketamine, known for their ability to enhance neuron connections, with anti-aging and longevity treatments designed to protect and optimize brain and physical health. At the heart of this movement is a fully integrated, holistic medical practice, personalized for each patient, promising a synergistic path to wellness that is as comprehensive as it is groundbreaking.

The Rise of Psychedelic Medicines

Psychedelic medicines, once relegated to the fringes of medical research, are now at the forefront of innovative treatments for a range of mental health disorders. Compounds like Ketamine are showing remarkable potential in treating depression, PTSD, and other mental health issues by fostering new neural connections and promoting neuroplasticity. This ability to "reset" parts of the brain associated with negative patterns and behaviors marks a significant departure from traditional psychiatric medications, offering hope to millions who have not found relief through conventional treatments.

The Power of Anti-Aging and Longevity Medicines

Parallel to the rise of psychedelic medicines is the growing field of anti-aging and longevity science. Researchers are making strides in understanding how to protect brain health, improve physical wellness, and enhance hormone levels, aiming to extend both lifespan and healthspan. These treatments focus on mitigating the decline associated with aging, targeting everything from cellular repair mechanisms to inflammation reduction, with the goal of preserving vitality and functional capacity throughout one's life.

A Fully Integrated, Holistic Approach

The true innovation lies in the integration of these two domains—psychedelic medicine and anti-aging treatments—into a holistic practice that addresses the patient as a whole. This approach is not merely about treating symptoms or delaying the aging process but about fostering an environment where mental, physical, and emotional health are in harmony. Personalization is key; recognizing that each individual's path to wellness is unique, treatments are tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of each patient.

Personalized Treatments for Enhanced Well-Being

In this model, a patient might begin their journey with a comprehensive assessment covering a wide range of factors, from genetic predispositions and lifestyle habits to emotional well-being and cognitive function. Based on this assessment, a personalized treatment plan is developed, which could include Ketamine therapy sessions to address mental health challenges, coupled with a regimen of anti-aging therapies designed to support brain health, hormonal balance, and physical vitality.

Nutritional guidance, exercise recommendations, and stress management techniques are also integral to the plan, embodying the holistic ethos by ensuring that lifestyle factors contribute positively to the patient's overall well-being. This comprehensive approach not only seeks to heal but also to enhance, empowering patients to achieve a state of health that is reflective of optimal functioning at all levels.

Evidence-Based and Future-Focused

The integration of psychedelic and anti-aging medicines within a holistic framework is supported by a growing body of evidence. Studies on Ketamine, for instance, demonstrate its rapid antidepressant effects, while research in the realm of anti-aging is unveiling ways to effectively counteract the biological processes that contribute to aging. By grounding these treatments in scientific research and clinical evidence, practitioners can offer their patients cutting-edge solutions that promise not just longer lives, but better ones.

The Path Forward

As we look to the future, the integration of psychedelic medicines with anti-aging and longevity treatments within a holistic, personalized medical practice represents a bold reimagining of healthcare. It is a vision of medicine that values the interconnectedness of mental, physical, and emotional health, and seeks to empower individuals to lead lives characterized by vitality, resilience, and a profound sense of wellness.

In a world where the quest for health is often fragmented and siloed, this approach offers a cohesive, integrated path forward. It is a testament to the incredible potential of combining cutting-edge medical treatments with a holistic understanding of the human condition. As research continues to unfold and these practices become more widespread, we may well be on the cusp of a new era in health and wellness, one where the full spectrum of human health is addressed with the depth, nuance, and care it deserves.

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See the Transformation

I've got answers.

Do you accept insurance?

No, at this time we do not accept insurance for at-home Ketamine treatment.

Harmoniously is a community platform for connecting people with a passion for improving their mental and physical wellness, with the clinicians and practitioners who can help them achieve their own personal goals around mental and physical health, vitality, and longevity.

Our focus is on "Health-care" not "Sick-care" we strive to provide the tools needed to help you design your own vision of what a healthy lifestyle means alongside the expert guidance of our interdisciplinary team of . In order to increase accessibility to healing alternative medical treatments we offer reduced-cost packages for those with a financial need.

How is Ketamine administered at home?

At-home ketamine treatments are delivered to your home from one of our compounding pharmacy partners. We offer two forms of the medication, either a Rapid Dissolve Tab (or RTD) which quickly dissolves under your tongue or a Trochee form which is a small lozenge that slowly dissolves between your cheek and gum.

You will administer the medicine yourself and you MUST always have a peer support adult physically present each time you administer treatment. This is to ensure your safety and comfort in the event you need physical assistance or emotional support.

With both you will hold the medicine in your mouth for a few minutes and then spit it out. You clinciain will work with you to explain how long you should hold the medicine and how to properly and safely dispose of it once it's spit out.

Is Ketamine Therapy Safe

Ketamine treatment has been shown to be a safe and effective treatment for most people. However, there are some conditions that are not a safe option for at-home treatment. Some of these include:

- Diagnosed with a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder

- Considered or attempted suicide in the last year or planned self harm in the last month

- Biological female who is pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breast feeding

- Currently taking Opioid containing drugs such as Buprenophine, Suboxone, Sublocade

- Anyone under 18 years of age

Other requirements for treatment include:

- Having an adult peer support person who is able to be physically present each time you administer your ketamine treatment

- Have the ability to work with technology through our telehealth platform

- Be in a private location, and not in an automobile even if stopped, for your appointment with a prescribing clinician

- Commit to always being in a safe location either seated in a chair or in bed in an slightly elevated position.

What if I can't afford treatment?

We started Harmoniously with the goal of creating greater equity in access to groundbreaking treatments like at-home ketamine assisted therapy. However, we know that the cost of treatment may be prohibitive for some people. If you are concerned with affordability you can call to speak with a representative about sliding scale options we may be able to offer.

We honor your journey with the utmost

respect for privacy and compliance.

Your safety and trust are our priorities.

We honor your journey with the utmost

respect for privacy and compliance.

Your safety and trust are our priorities.

Who we are

Harmonizing mind, body, and spirit to elevate our collective consciousness

Harmoniously.com is a public benefit corporation committed to promoting greater equity in access to psychedelic medicines, particularly in the BIPOC and LGBTQ+ Communities and we support indigenous reciprocity to support the communities that have protected the knowledge of how to work with these medicines for thousands of years.

Can’t come to us? We’ll come to you!

Harmoniously connects individuals with medical professionals. It's a platform, not a provider, and doesn't offer medical advice.

Harmoniously connects individuals with medical professionals. It's a platform, not a provider, and doesn't offer medical advice.

© 2021, Harmoniously Integrative Wellness, PBC